Text File | 1989-12-16 | 2.3 KB | 30 lines | [50] Apple IIgs Word Processing (0x5445)
The Professor is here to answer your most technical, mind boggling, or downright silly questions.
DON╒T use Copy II Plus once you have started using GS/OS. It will not understand many files (e.g. when copying a Finder file, you╒ll get the error ╥Cannot delete a non empty subdirectory╙) and may possibly damage the data on your disks! Just use the Finder disk functions whenever possible. Cat Doctor won╒t hurt the disks but may get errors. Merlin 16+ and Prosel 16's file utilities will work, though.
If you set the volume to zero on newer IIgs╒s, you╒ll notice that the border will flash instead of the speaker beeping. This way, you still get feedback when there is trouble. It will only flash for the system beep, not for any sound.
You may have clicked on AppleWorks GS documents and gone straight into the AppleWorks with that document loaded. You may have done this on a Mac. How does it get done? How can you do it?
There is a directory on your system disk called ╥ICONS.╙ It contains all the icons that appear on the Finder desktop. You can make new icons for a specific type file or filename containing a certain set of characters (like ones that end with ╥.S╙ are source files), and you can enter the pathname of the application that is needed to edit this file. So, when you double click on that icon, the application is loaded and a message is sent to it describing what file to load. This will work for most GS applications, but it will not for 8 bit material. For example, if you were to define an icon for AppleWorks (classic) word processor files and double clicked on one, AppleWorks will launch but the document will not load.
To make your own icons, you╒ll need to get Apple╒s IIgs Icon Editor, or the shareware program IconEd. The former is available through APDA, and the latter is found on GEnie, the General Electric Network for Information Exchange, CompuServe, Delphi, or any other Apple supporting on-line BBS. If you don╒t have a modem, you can join APDA for $20 and get APDAlog, which contains informative technical articles and current prices of developer╒s tools. Their address: